Profile PictureRobert K//Groov Mekanik

New M4L Device - GMaudio Clipper 2.0 - The Best Clipper for Ableton Live


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Robert K//Groov MekanikCreator

Btw, anyone that already had GMaudio Clipper will still receive it as a free update. πŸ˜‰

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Hi Robert, I notived that GMaudio Clipper 2.0 produces some subtle phase shifts, increasing the later-peaks of a wave (not the initial one), even when it's not active. Steps to reproduce: put on an operator on a channel, single short note, Sq3 wave, decaying envelope. Kind of like a kick or bass, but without pitch envelope. Put on Clipper afterwards - and observe how some peaks of the wave have increased even when it's not doing anything. Do you know why it's happening?

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Robert K//Groov MekanikCreator

That is the DC offset filter. Because Saw waves are often asymmetrical, they are often affected by high pass filters. Since writing these articles I have thought about it and I may remove it in a future update. I will do some more testing. Cheers for the comment πŸ™‚

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Hey, thanks for the free update! Really nice update on UI and algorithm. But I notice sometimes, that I get peaks higher than the clipper value? Why is that? For example: I set it to e.g.: -5dB and it peaks at maybe at around -4.5dB or even higher

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Robert K//Groov MekanikCreator

My pleasure 😊 Thx! That is from the oversampling filter, most clippers do it. To avoid it from happening some developers opt for another clipper at the original samplerate at the end of the processing to prevent this from happening, but this can add additional aliasing, so I opted to not include one. Perhaps in future updates I will include a β€˜brickwall’ feature so that it never exceeds the ceiling, but for now Clipper 2.0 works well and sounds great. Cheers for the question 😁

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Hi Robert. I used this one in my current production with Ableton Live 11.2.11 on several tracks and had some serious CPU problems. By switching the GM Audi Clipper off on one of the tracks, the CPU usage went down about 30% ! I used the device on 3 other tracks. When I switched off the second GM Audio Clipper, the CPU usage went down another 10%. I quit the Ableton instance and restarted it. Same problem. Never realized this before. Any thoughts on this?

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Robert K//Groov MekanikCreator

Its hard to say without seeing the project but GMaudio Clipper 2.0 does use more CPU than previous versions due to the high quality oversampling. There shouldn’t be any reason why CPU usage is higher in one project over another that is related to the device, although where and how you use it can use more CPU. For example, one instance on the master should use the same amount as one instance on multiple instruments, same with groups with lots of tracks within them. Any time that audio is routed to another track (includes side-chaining) the first track needs to be computed first followed by where its routed to, increasing the time needed process the signal. CPU usage is actually how much time it takes to compute a block of audio, if the time it takes is longer than the block of audio then you get buffer under runs, where the audio skips due to not being ready in time for playback. I hope that helps, if you want me to check out something more specific then feel free to send me an email with a project. Cheers 😁

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Thx for your reply. I exchanged GM Audi Clipper with another tool as I was not able to get rid of the CPU "Overload" while using GM Audi in my project. CPU now runs fine with the same buffer as before. The GM Audi devices were placed on 4 single tracks, which were grouped. Nothing special! Will keeep an eye on it and give feedback, if I find a soecific reason, as 30- 40 % more CPU Load is far too much for the use of 3-4 of these devices.

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