
GMaudio Squeeze 2.0 (NEW)

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GMaudio Squeeze 2.0 (NEW)

72 ratings

GMaudio Squeeze is a Multi-band Upward Compressor/Limiter. Its effects can range from normalization and loudness enhancement to complete sonic destruction! Squeeze every last drop from your music now!

Version 2 has been completely re-written and now includes 100% accurate peak detection, a short hold stage with a more natural release character resulting in less distortion, as well as improved multi-band operation with a mechanism that avoids steering and maintains coherency between bands. All of this leads to a more transparent and punchier sound, making it incredibly useful in even more contexts.


  • 6dB dynamic phase crossovers (300hz & 5khz) allowing parallel processing
  • Smoothly blend from single band to multi-band operation
  • Achieve a variety of effects with only 6 parameters
  • Visualization of parameter settings
  • All parameters can be modulated
  • Enhance details or maximise loudness
  • Unique, low distortion, release character
  • Highly optimized and efficient processing
  • Info View text and Push Standalone compatible

Imagine 'OTT' without the downward compression, mixed with a 'doom compressor', but pushed to the extreme with zero phase shift and GMaudio quality.

Get the audio effect that tonnes of artists are using on nearly everything they produce and discover what you’ve been missing out on. Best of all, it’s “pay what you can afford”, so nobody has to miss out on louder and more exciting music.

Here are two articles that feature GMaudio Squeeze;

  1. Squeeze is a free upward compressor for Ableton Live – subtle to intense (CDM)
  2. Gesloten Cirkel: Free Tools and Tips for Spicing up Sounds (Ableton)

The default settings will subtly balance out a signal, enhance transients and improve loudness, but maximum 'Squeeze' and 'Mix' with minimum 'Time' will turn any signal into a wall of sound, bringing up the tiniest of details


  • Floor - The level at which processing will take place. Anything above this value will be pushed closer to the Ceiling, anything below this level will be unaffected.
  • Squeeze - Adjusts the amount of processing, similar to a ratio control on a typical compressor.
  • Ceiling - The level that the affected audio will be normalized to. Lower values combined with adjusting the 'Mix' allows you to tame the processing, making it more useful in a mixing context.
  • Style - Morphs between single band and multi-band operation. Multi-band operation has been tuned for a flat frequency response with slight mid band attenuation, inspired by the original OTT.
  • Time - Adjusts the release for all envelopes. High values will result in something closer to normalization, low values will result in extreme upward compression, squeezing every last drop from your sounds.
  • Mix - Adjusts the balance between the processed and unprocessed signal.
  • Transport Bypass - Deactivates processing when Live’s transport is stopped to avoid noise from hardware, or delay/reverb tails, being brought up to full volume.

I'm consistently surprised by the amount of uses for this device. GMaudio Squeeze adds juicy upward compression to the line-up of GMaudio dynamics processing devices (such as HiFreqLimiter, PentaComp & Clipper). Expect to see more video examples of this inspiring and unique device for both sound design and mixing, an essential tool for the modern producer.

Also included with Squeeze is 3x Audio Effect Racks for Live 11 Suite users. Here is an article discussing Squeeze in detail, as well as how to use the racks and get the most out of Squeeze. https://fixationstudios.com.au/gmaudio-squeeze-every-last-drop/

Device Requirements

GMaudio Squeeze works on both Mac and PC and can be used with Live 10 Suite and above or Live 10 Standard and above with the Max For Live addon.

For GMaudio Squeeze to operate as intended Max 8.2.2 or above must be used. You can download the latest version of Max for free and point Ableton Live to the installed version by following this article:


As of Version 2, Squeeze is Push Standalone compatible.
It also introduces 8 samples of latency (less than 0.2 ms).


Simply download the .amxd (Max For Live device) and move it to your Max Audio Effect Preset folder within your User Library. The default location for this directory is as follows.


\Users\[username]\Documents\Ableton\User Library\Presets\Audio Effects\Max Audio Effect


Macintosh HD/Users/[username]/Music/Ableton/User Library/Presets/Audio Effects/Max Audio Effect

Placing it here will allow it to show up in Live’s Browser under Max Audio Effects.
Be sure to make use of Live 11’s Collections for a more efficient workflow.

If you like this device, please rate it 5 stars 🌟

Happy Music Making! 😈🎶🎛️

I want this!

1x Max For Live Audio Effect (.amxd) & 3x Audio Effect Racks (.adg) for Live 11 or above.

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14-day money back guarantee

To ensure the highest level of customer satisfaction and to address any concerns directly and efficiently, our refund policy requires customers to contact us as the first step in the refund process. We only consider refund requests for Max for Live devices if the following procedure is followed:

Direct Contact: Customers must initiate their refund request by replying directly to their purchase receipt email. This ensures that we can verify the purchase and directly associate your request with the transaction.

Provide Information: The refund request must include all relevant information detailing the issue with the product including system information and software versions. Please describe the problem you are experiencing in as much detail as possible to allow us to address it promptly and effectively.

Timeframe: Refund requests must be submitted within 14 days of the purchase date. Requests made beyond this period may not be eligible for a refund.

We kindly ask our customers to adhere to this process, as it allows us to address your concerns directly and reduces the need for chargeback procedures through your bank. We are dedicated to resolving any issues you may face with our products swiftly and thoroughly.

Upon receiving your refund request, we will assess the information provided and respond within 7 days. We may contact you for further details or to propose a solution. Our goal is to resolve any issues to your satisfaction promptly; however, refunds will be granted at our discretion based on the information and circumstances of each case. If a refund is issued, please be aware that it will result in the immediate revocation of your license for the refunded device, and you will be required to cease using the software.

Thank you for your understanding and for choosing Fixation Studios // GMaudio.

Last updated Mar 28, 2025


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